PROMODORO- My Experience

Zunair Noor
2 min readApr 14, 2021


The Promodoro is a time management technique. It uses a timer to break down work into intervals, normally of 25 minutes followed by a short break of 3–5 minutes. I learned about this technique in Amal Fellowship Program course, “Productivity and Time Management”.

So, I used Promodoro technique to efficiently complete my daily routine tasks. The first task was to complete the first two sections of the resume course. I set the alarm for 25 minutes and Ready Set Go!

But in the meantime, my mobile buzzed, I had ten new WhatsApp messages and then Facebook notifications and then YouTube suggestions. Afterall Iwas able to keep my focus on the task. Surprisingly I was able to complete the task 2 to 3 minutes earlier. After that took a short break, had some chips and juice as refreshment.

The second task of the day was to clean my room. This time I put my phone in the other room and decided to look for the time on wall clock. This was quiet helpful. The only distraction Ihad was the door bell. Milk man was there, but I think it is quiet justified. Finally I was able to clean my room within 20 minutes.

Since I have learned the Promodoro Technique. It is quiet helpful for me. I’m applying it to complete everyday tasks. Surely, it will help me a lot, especially in my studies.

