Kaizens — Continuous search for a better Way!

Zunair Noor
2 min readJul 10, 2022


The Word Kaizen has its origin in the Japanese language, it is translated as “Good change”. Kaizen is an approach used for the continuous search for a better way to get the work done. Kaizen is an approach to transformation that stands in contrast to the conventional top-down approach. Kaizens allows quality control and improvements more in the direct hands of line workers. Kaizens allow the laborers and workers to contribute and suggest improvements in any process of the working process, this is what makes this approach effective. Because laborers/ workers know the problems of the concerned process that the upper hierarchy is unaware of.

The approach of Kaizen was first implemented in post World War II period by the Japanese quality groups and was focused to lower the defects in Toyota. Kaizen then gained popularity in the West through Masaaki Imai’s book, ‘The Key to Japan’s Competitive Success in 1986'.

The Kaizen approach has been adopted in many industries, especially in the automobile sector. The core purpose of the implementation of Kaizens is to lower defects, boost productivity, encourage the workforce, and promote innovation. A few of the principles of Kaizen are as follows,

  • Create an environment where everyone feels empowered to contribute
  • Be proactive and find solutions to the mistakes
  • Don’t accept the status quo and adopt the iterative change for improvement
  • Be creative and find a low-cost solution for small improvements
  • Never stop improving!

The work cycle of the Kaizen approach can be understood by the following illustration. :-)


I observed the implementation of the Kaizen approach during my internship period at Master Motor, this internship was wholesome of a learning experience. I got to learn about many of Kaizens being implemented in past years in Master Motor, and guess what! plenty of these Kaizens were suggested by the line workers. Whether it is the suggestion of a diaphragm pump installed to fill in the battery liquid or it is the development of the platform in the Bus-Roof welding station or any other Kaizen they all were aiding in a better working environment and boosted production rates at Master motors. The Kaizens are also been rewarded in Master Motor, every month they have this short event where all the Kaizens are rewarded and prize money and trophies are distributed for the Kaizens as per their effectiveness. That’s how Master Motor have implemented Kaizens.

I hope this has helped you to learn something new. Let me know if I’ve missed something. Learning will never end for me. :-)

